Sunday, February 10, 2008


I've decided that on the North Shore there are really two things that make people really, really happy...sun and lines.

The sun for the most obvious reasons. The streets dry out, no more mud puddles that you either have to drive through or try to go around. Sometimes driving through them is a hazard. The dreaded "pot holes". Here in Hawaii, we joke that whole cars have been lost when trying to drive across them.

Laundry can hang on the line and actually get dry, instead of being naturally rinsed by the rain a couple of times. Slippers can dry out. The long sleeve shirts and sweatshirts are put away when the sun is out.

The second thing that really gets people excited are LINES. I don't mean the lines at Foodland or Malama or the line of cars crawling past Chuns or Lanikea. Not the lines of tourist outside of Aoki's or Matsamoto's waiting for shave ice. It itsn't even the fishing lines that hang off the bridges.

It's the line of waves forming on the horizon that really get people excited! Those lines mean that plans change, parking is hard to find and everyone checks out the surf. People from town can't wait to come to the country to either surf or just to check it out. This means more cars at all the really good surf breaks. Driving past you see people (guys mostly) with cell-phones to their ears, probably giving a surf report to a friend. Broken board are on the beach. There isn't any of that "you should've been here yesterday!" talk (it's going off now). There are surfers in the water until the sun goes down, gotta have just one more ride.

This picture was taken from above Velzyland. Terry and I were going to the windward side to buy plants and could see that the surf was huge. We drove up the hill to get a better view. One after the other the lines were formed. The sound, even from up above was loud. We stood and watched it for a long time, just amazed at the power. In case your wondering, it was probably only 12 feet. 18 at the most. Not big enough to have "the Eddie". That has to be 25-30feet for them to old that. Because the surf wasn't in that "out of control" stage, more people were able to take advantage of it.

The sun was out, so it made the water that aqua-blue color you see in pictures. Because the surf was big, the contrast of the white/blue was breathtaking.
Just another beautiful day in Hawai'i nei

1 comment:

Ashleigh Baker said...

Ooooh, you make me eager to make a trip out there. How beautiful!!