Friday, November 26, 2010

Kaamooloa Road Thanksgiving from start to finish~

Our Thanksgiving Day starts with hubby making his stuffing.  This has been in his family like
this for three generations that I know of...he tears cheap white bread into pieces,

 adds ALOT of sage...
 chopped onions (not too much) and Imperial margarine
that he mixes together with his hands.  He says it's so
he can get the "right fee".  Then he stuffs the bird.  Through
the years, the turkeys have been grown for more meat, so we also
do stuffing in pans and cook it that way.
 This is our next door neighbors house, Steve and Christine.  They've so gracious
to host it every year that we've lived here.  It really is nice.  Christine
does such a nice job on the decorations and place settings.
 Molly helped carry over my orange rolls
 this is only 1/2 the food and not any of the desserts!  My Gulliver's Creamed Corn and
a dish of stuffing are in the middle
 These were sooooo good! A marshmellow wrapped in cooked yam and rolled in
corn flakes and then baked!

A wonderul day ended with Steve's 88 year old dad
playing on a neighbors guitar.  He hadn't played or sang
in years.

 We're so thankful for such great neighbors who are like
family to us.

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