Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Chief & his tattoos

We were invited by a friend of ours to his final tattoo ritual. John has become a chief through his family in Samoa, so because of this, he went through the ritual Samoan tattooing. Tonight was the final step in this whole process. These tattoos are full of tradition and meaning. It was so interesting, from the use of egg, where all life comes from, to the dancing and gifts that were given to the tattoo artist and his assistants.

the traditional Samoan tattoos on men start just below the knee and go up the torso

John's group, this group also had three women who went through the process.

John dancing. You can see the tattoo around his belly-button...that's the final one done

one of the fine woven mats presented as a gift. So beautiful, almost like cloth

you can see a lot of John's tattoo here.

the Chief

Thank you so much John and Trisha for inviting us...we had a great time.

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