Saturday, October 4, 2008

I'll have to take away his toys

Hubby & I just spent 2 hrs. at Kahuku ER. He'd been t-r-i-m-m-i-n-g (as always) and picked up the above tool in the pictures position without gloves on. So it resulted in this...

Because of the location, they couldn't put stitches in. They used something called DERMABOND. It stays on in water. It will actually just rub off in 7-10 days, same length of time that stitches would have to stay in.

So I told time I'd have to take away his toys because he just doesn't seem to know how to use them safely. Needless to say this would cause a huge amount of grief if he couldn't T-R-I-M. In the 41 yrs. we've been married the only accidents this guy has ever had ALL have to do with yard toys! Of note: he was a really, really good sport when I whipped out my camera, just said "hurry up and take it". He's learned.

At least it didn't cut off the whole that would have been something to be upset about!


1 comment:

Moysa Family said...

Oh Terry.... I swear, all of you boys give us all heart attacks =)