Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Merrie Monarch~A Different Year...

this year's Merrie Monarch for me was different in so many ways...
the biggest difference was the hotel.  In January, DeeDee got a call from our
other hotel (that they'd been staying in for probably 20 years) that all rooms were cancelled!
Luckly Dee Dee got us rooms at another hotel, thank goodness.  One bad thing was that
it was double the price!  So I decided not to get a car and fly into Kona to visit my friends.
A few weeks ago I tried to get a car, but there were none to be found, oh well...
I'd forgotten how pretty and mystical it is to fly into Hilo.
The first thing that you see is the volcano above the clouds,

then dropping below the clouds to see the Hamakua coast, is something else.  

My hula sister, Anne now lives in Hilo so she came to pick me up at the airport and
we went to lunch at
Hawaiian Style Cafe...
we should have shared this sandwich (I had the other half for dinner)

Hawaiian Airlines was running the free shuttle again, so that was great
Day 1 is the Miss Aloha Hula and the crowds are crazy.
Glad our seats are in the same place.

I didn't take my good camera this year because there had been a lot of 
publicity about "... only professional photographers would be allowed to use cameras with
lenses.  Without a permit your camera would be taken away..."
I didn't want to chance it, so I became one of those people that I said I never would...
taking pictures with an i pad!

Oh well.

so the first long night ended with a new Miss Aloha Hula being chosen
and she was beautiful.
(Merrie Monarch photo)

Day 1 is over and onto Day 2...

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