Monday, April 14, 2014

Japanese Bread...

about a year ago we started seeing a different bread at Foodland.
Japanese style white bread.
Then I had a turkey sandwich made on this bread and fell in love.
It's not an "air bread" like Wonder or cheaper brands.  It's not
a sturdy-type of bread like a artisan.  It's just the perfect sandwich bread.
In Japan it's called "shokupan".  Which means milk bread or eat bread.

it's a square piece of bread, which I think is why it's the perfect
sandwich bread.
When I had my Downton Abbey party, this was the bread I used for 
the tea sandwiches.  It's very easy to cut off the crusts and then you
still have a perfect square.

There are only 15 slices to a loaf, which is perfect for us.  We don't eat a lot
of sandwiches or toast. Hubby loves having a regular peanut butter and jelly sandwich on this bread.
 I keep in in the refrigerator because of the humidity here,
and it still comes out perfectly.

It does come in a wheat, but the white is our very favorite.

1 comment:

LKICT said...

Hi! Just ran across your blog. This bread sounds really good. I'm in KS so not sure I"ll see it but I sure will look for it!