Friday, July 11, 2008

Oh, now I GET IT...

I'd heard about them, looked at pics of them, wondered what could be so good. Well, now I know...

After we had dinner for Jack's b'day in Newport, we decided it might be fun to stop and try one of these little beauties!
What can be said~ heaven in a little round cake. These were perfect. Nothing else needs to be said.
Lauren with her face painting from Magic Kingdom the night beforeThis is even before taking the first bite!
Jack loved just the frosting.
Yes, perfection in a little round cake.


queenieweenie said...

just had some today.

i drove all the way to newport from san diego for a cupcake.

i think i have a problem

CailinMarie said...

love the picture of the face painting and the cupcakes do look yummy!