Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Going, Going, Almost Gone...

 If you've ever come down Kaamooloa, you've probably seen the "pink compound"
before you turn into our lane.  I found out recently that it had been sold.  I started noticing that
there was a guy there that was doing a lot of trimming, etc.  He told me that he was the new owner
and explained that all of the houses on the property were "illegal" so he was going to take them
all down.  That's what he started doing...by himself!

This is what he used to knock them all down, except for one.

This one was closest to the road and he knocked down one that
was attached to it.

Then I noticed that the front house was being taken apart, board by board.
There were a lot of guys over there working on it.  Seemed like it went slower
than the othere ones.  

Today he told me that everything is going to be used by someone else down the
street.  The whole group came and worked in exchange for all the free materials.
Cool that it's being reused.
The whole property is almost 2 acres, has a great view and even has an underground spring.

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