Friday, May 16, 2008


VOG, VOG go away, don't come back ...

As many of you may of heard, if you don't live here, we have been under the worst VOG that anyone can remember. What exactly is VOG? It's like smog, but only it's caused by volcanic particles in the air. What is making this so bad now is that there aren't any TRADE WINDS to blow it away from us. What winds there are happen to be KONA, or south winds. This means that the winds are coming up from the Big Island. Also a factor is that the volcano has developed a new vent, so it's spewing even more into the air.

These pictures were taken at basically the same spot, one a few months ago and the other one just today, at noon. We can't see the moutains or even the ocean that's how bad it is. They are advising anyone with respiratory problems to stay inside. I've been putting Visine in my eyes because they just feel like they're full of grit.

Todays' forcast said the TRADES probably won't return until Sunday. I'm praying for sooner, along with everyone else.

aloha from "Voggy Waialua"

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