Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Na Hula 2011

Na Hula this year was very stressful leading up to it.  So many hours
spent practicing and driving back and forth into town.  There were times I wasn't
sure I'd be able to even do it, my knees hurt so much.   I'd come home some nights very late from practice and beg hubby to just rub my feet.  I finally got a routine down, I'd take my pain
med right when I left Waialua, and by the time I got to practice, I was pretty good to go.

On the actual morning of the performance, I was so calm.  I guess I just figured that
by 10:00, if we didn't know the dances then it was just too late!  So out we went.  In previous
years, I'd always taken off my glasses durning the dance and put them back on between songs, so I couldn't see the audiance.  This year I did the first song with them off and then forgot about it
and left them on.  Amazing!  I could see all of our friends there!  I think it helped a lot
because I could smile at them and I felt like I was dancing for them!
Miss Alama actually danced this year.  It was a real tear-jerker for me.  She was dancing
for her sister, Aunty Lei.

(thanks to Kerilyn, Marisa and Benita for the photos)

A huge MAHALO to everyone who came this year.  It really does mean a lot
for me to be able to give this gift of hula to you.

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