Tuesday, February 5, 2013


the other morning I was leaving and noticed the strangest thing...
at first I thought it was smoke from a fire, but I couldn't see, smell 
or hear anything burning.  
When I noticed how foggy (yes, fog in Hawaii) it was around
Mt. Kaala, I realized what it was...very, very low clouds.
The fog here is different from Mainland fog, it's probably
not really fog at all but something to do with the moisture in the 
air, ground temp, etc.  Maybe the dew point????

We've seen this in the early mornings on snake road before.  
It doesn't take too long before it's gone.

I know that on this piece of property, the Kaiaawaawas, there is
a small stream where the underground water comes out.  Francis
has a taro patch down there.  So this was probably the fog, or low clouds
or whatever it is and was gone in just a few minutes.

do you see the dog laying on top of his dog house?  Out of 
the picture are the geese he's got his eye on.

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