Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Merrie Monarch 2013 Holike...

This year's Merrie Monarch was special because it was the 50th year anniversary.

I had found out in January that Ms. Alama was going so I made my reservations and
went a day early to attend the hoike on Wednesday night.  I've never gone to that before for several reasons...it's open seating because it's free and people wait hours in line to get a seat.
This year I found out a couple of days before that they were charging $5.00 a ticket, so I went to
my source that knows just everyone, the lovely, sweet Grace Antapala.  Needless to say I got a ticket.
Beautiful Grace and her friends

I loved how they all all the former Miss Aloha Hula winners dancing on stage together

There were former winners from many years ago that returned

even some dancers from the very first Merrie Monarch

I loved, loved, loved Robert Cazimero's group

(his hula brothers helped in on stage and he sat in a chair)

their singing brought tears to my eyes

but....the men of Waimapuna brought the house down.
They were wonderful!  They came together again after many years to do this.
It was so touching to see them out there.  There are some well-known kumu and musicians
that were part of this but most are just men coming together for the love of hula.

Yes, hoike was worth it.  I don't think I'll ever forget it.  Glad I was able to go.
Mahalo Grace

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