Wednesday, January 4, 2012

VOG be gone...

The last few days have been horrible weather.  Kona winds=VOG.
I snapped these coming down "snake road" looking towards Kaena Point.
Can't even see the point, the ocean or Mt. Kaala.  Can barely make out 
the sugar mill.
My bronchitis is really giving me fits.  I know how people with asthma feel...
like a fish without water.

The news said that the trades are coming back tonight, so we'll see if we have
clear, blue skies tomorrow!

1 comment:

Le Mama! said...

Yeah I felt the same way yesterday! i'm getting over a bout of bronchitis again and the vog is not helping...and driving to work yesterday I kept thinking it was crazy I couldn't even see the mountain at all it was so thick. Yes..VOG be gone!