I know that this post is a little late, but I'm really making an effort to get caught up...so here goes.
June is a very, very busy month for celebrations in our family. Our anniversary, Traci & Billy's anniversary is the same day as Geoff's birthday and then there are the grands birthdays! With two of them being on the same day (Lauren and Greyson) and Jack's also being in that same week...their mother's put in some planning.
This year Lauren and Jack had a combined party at a park. They had two separate sets of friends, decorations, goody bags, etc. It worked out great. Everyone did eat Gluten Free cupcakes just to make things easier. Greyson had a party the following week at another park, and that was great also. This was a fun year with all the parties and Jack and Greyson really "getting into" it.

This has been a huge year for Lauren. Going from not feeling very well all the time to feeling GREAT all the time. She's been so brave with all the drs. visits, blood test and even the endoscope. She's accepted the celiac and is learning to make adjustments. It's heart warming to see the change this had made. She told me that she wants to be a dr. someday, and this wouldn't surprise me. She has the sweetest voice and the sweetest spirit to go along with it.

Jack, Jack, Jack...he's into telling the silly jokes rights now. He's learned to swim, dive and even do a cannon-ball in the pool at the MH. He started Pre-School this year and loves it! He has started taking more risk...which seem to lead to scabs, black eyes or some "boy injury". He adores his sister and is always checking if something is "gluten or wheat free" for us. His job to earn $$ is picking up the golf balls at the MH and he takes that very seriously. He still wants to be a garbage man when he grows up, but that might change.

Grey has gone from a toddler to a little boy this year. What a little boy he is! Even at this age he's very athletic. He can hit, kick and throw a ball better than most other kids. He was able to figure out how to ride a scooter within just a few minutes. He wants to try just about anything, including surfing. This year, on the days that Jack isn't in Pre-School, we babysit Greyson. This has been wonderful for us to get to know each other. He's the best eater and sleeper I've ever seen. He loves his older cousins, especially Lauren and has the best belly-laugh! Makes me laugh thinking about it.
Nothing is like having grandchildren. It's so much easier and such a joy there aren't enough words to describe it. We just love them.