I was trying to organize photos on my computer and came across a folder "Waialua Town". I had gone around and taken tons of photos just of Waialua for a scrapbook I made for a friend who was moving. So I thought I'd put together a couple of post just about Waialua.
Waialua sits at the base of the Waianae Mtn. range. Mt. Kaala is the highest peak on Oahu. Waialua is bordered on the north by Kaena Point, the northern most point on Oahu, Haleiwa on the east and through the open fields is Scholfield Barracks and Wahiawa.

This actually shows our street, at the top of this, in the middle surrounded by the green. The housing tracks that you see are the Paalakai homes.

This is the Waianae Range, on the other side of this would be the "West Side"...Waianae, Makaha, Nanakuli.

Ka'ena is the northern most point on Oahu. It's actually in Waialua District, what this whole side was called many years ago.

This is AweoAweo Beach Park in Waialua. The point you see is Waimea.

Waialua had a sugar mill that was still operational until the late 90's. This photos shows the mill in the background with the Waialua Bandstand in the forground. This area was the "center" of town. There are still concerts held at the bandstand every month.

Waialua Library. This little library was named "Best Small Town Library" not only in the state, but also the nation! It's across the street from the bandstand.

Waialua is still an active farming community, so it's not uncommon to see a tractor used as transportation. I read something that said it is believed that because of the land being so good in this area, it may have been one of the first large areas of settlement.

At the end of our street, sits "The Market". Amazing stuff inside there!

And next to it is "The Bakery"...step through those doors and your stepping back into time. Butter rolls, yum!

Next to "The Market" and "The Bakery" is the Oils of Aloha building. As I understand it, this was a movie theater at one time. It's good to see that this great building is still being used for something.

To be continued...