So, since I've got a ton of photos taken a few days before I left and the ones since I've been here...I hope to get caught up somewhat in the coming weeks.
Please keep Nie in your thoughts and prayers. A long hard road ahead.
The ever elusive state fish of Hawai'i, Humuhumunukunukuapua'a
No words needed...
Yes, sooo lucky to live Hawai'i
Aloha a hui hou,
My hero, Elsie, 88 years young and the rest of my hula sisters. Don't our lei & head pieces look great?
See, we're all together!
Another group of my sisters.
Aloha, a hui hou
The finished products! Triple strand white Crown Flower, twisted into a rope
Headpieces of white Crown Flower, Tiger Lilys and greens
During her stay, we didn't do the usual "tourist" things. She'd just been here in April, so we pretty much got all that stuff out of the way then. We went swimming almost everyday at my favorite place "Chun's Reef". There were a few days we couldn't go because she didn't listen to me, the older, wiser one, and put on loads of sunscreen! I did take a picture of her poor toasted foot, but it really didn't look that nice!
Since I've been getting ready for my hula performance, I drug her along with me. Up and and down the H1 countless times. She even told me that she felt like she was getting to know all the songs. We went to friends house in Ewa..."yes, we do live on the North Shore, with mangos and avocados"! Went fabric shopping for her and for me. Checked out every SEARS here on the island and just hung-out a little bit.
the crazy drive down Wilamina Rise! the ride up was pretty funny~thanks boys!
the view from the top of Wiliamina Rise!
No, we didn't go to the midnight release party :( Should have!)
Next time, you really, really need to listen to your sister...S-U-N-S-C-R-E-E-N!
Thanks again, Pen for being there for us. It meant so much to both of us to have you here...your calmness helped!
love you,