I've been so busy this week with all the hula practices, the dinner at church and getting ready to go to the mainland for a couple of weeks, I just really needed a day to stay home. Today isn't actually that day, I do have to go into town for practice in a few hours, but it was a good time to play "catch up". My purse really needed cleaning out. I had beach towels that needed to be washed and hung out, re-cyclying to take care of and e-mails to answer.
Since I have a Blackberry, I can get e-mails, and I do answer some, but if I really need to write a long one, I wait until I get home. I had some candy leis to finish for Lauren's kinder graduation next week, Geoff's Father's Day box sent and making a movie to send to our friend Rickey.I was at the computer, when all of a sudden it started pouring! I ran around and closed the bottom half of all the windows and grabbed my camera. I've been trying to experiment with different settings, so figured this was the chance. 
As I sit here and write this post, I'm looking at blue sky!
That's how fast the rain moved through. So I guess the towels will hang out for a while longer. We really need the rain right now, so this is a good thing. I have to also remember..."no rain, no rainbows!"
aloha a hui hou,